Lions meet the needs of local communities and the world every day because they share a core belief - to serve their community.
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization.
We have 1.35 million members in more than 46,000 clubs in more than 206 countries and geographic areas.
Motto: "WE SERVE"
On Local, State and International LevelsWho Are LIONs?
The World's Largest Service Club Organization
Our 46,000 clubs and 1.4+ million members make us the world's largest service club
organization. We're also one of the most effective. Our members do whatever is
needed to help their local communities.
Everywhere we work, we make friends. With children who need eyeglasses, with seniors
who don’t have enough to eat and with people we may never meet.
In 1917, Melvin Jones, a 38-year-old Chicago business leader, told members of his local business club they should reach beyond business issues and address the betterment of their communities and the world. Jones' group, the Business Circle of Chicago, agreed.
After contacting similar groups around the United States, an organizational meeting was held on June 7, 1917, in Chicago, Illinois, USA. The new group took the name of one of the invited groups, the "Association of Lions Clubs," and a national convention was held in Dallas, Texas, USA in October of that year. A constitution, by-laws, objects and a code of ethics were approved.
Within three years, Lions became an international organization. Since then, we've earned high marks for both integrity and transparency. We're a well-run organization with a steady vision, a clear mission, and a long – and proud – history.
Beginning in 1917
Melvin Jones asked a simple and world-changing question – what if people put their talents to work improving their communities? Almost 100 years later, Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization, with 1.35 million members in more than 46,000 clubs and countless stories of Lions acting on the same simple idea: let's improve our communities.
1920: Going International
Just three years after our founding, Lions became international when we established the first club in Canada. Mexico followed in 1927. In the 1950s and 1960s international growth accelerated, with new clubs in Europe, Asia and Africa.
1925: Eradicating Blindness
Helen Keller addressed the Lions Clubs International Convention in Cedar Point, Ohio, USA, and challenged Lions to become "knights of the blind in the crusade against darkness." Since then, we have worked tirelessly to aid the blind and visually impaired.
1945: Uniting Nations
The ideal of an international organization is exemplified by our enduring relationship with the United Nations. We were one of the first nongovernmental organizations invited to assist in the drafting of the United Nations Charter and have supported the work of the UN ever since.
1957: Organizing Youth Programs
In the late 1950s, we created the Leo Program to provide the youth of the world with an opportunity for personal development through volunteering. There are approximately 144,000 Leos and 5,700 Leo clubs in more than 140 countries worldwide.
1968: Establishing Our Foundation
Lions Clubs International Foundation assists Lions with global and large-scale local humanitarian projects. Through our Foundation, Lions meet the needs of their local and global communities.
1990: Launching SightFirst
Through SightFirst, Lions are restoring sight and preventing blindness on a global scale. Launched in 1990, Lions have raised more than $346 million for this initiative. SightFirst targets the major causes of blindness: cataract, trachoma, river blindness, childhood blindness, diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma.
Today: Extending Our Reach
Lions Clubs International extends our mission of service every day – in local communities, in all corners of the globe. The needs are great and our services broad, including sight, health, youth, elderly, the environment and disaster relief. Our international network has grown to include over 200 countries and geographic areas.
Motto: "WE SERVE
On Local, State and International Levels
The Webster Groves Lions Club was chartered March 12, 1925. Through fund raising events and donations, Webster Groves Lions Club supports many sight programs along with other medical awareness and community programs.
Our club currently has over 60 active members, many who live or work in the Webster Groves Community.
The Webster Groves Lions Club was chartered March 12, 1925. Through fund raising events and donations, Webster Groves Lions Club suports many sight programs along with other medical awareness and community programs.
Our club currently has over 60 active members, many who live or work in the Webster Groves Community.
Our club supports many charities and worthwhile causes which are generally broken down into the following categories. These are reviewed and updated annually by the Board of Directors.
COMMUNITY: Supports many local charities and organizations such as the police and fire departments, Meals on Wheels for Webster Groves, Easter Seals Midwest, and Backstoppers. In addition the Webster Groves Lions participates in several community events by providing free hot dogs and drinks at the Fire Department Open House and Make A Difference Day, among others.
LIONS PROJECTS: Supports many local and national charities and organizations primarily engaged in sight and hearing programs such as American Diabetes Assoc., Delta Gamma Center for Sight Impaired Children, Leader Dogs for the Blind, various Lions programs for sight and hearing, the Webster Groves Eye Care Welfare Committee, and a Peace Poster contest for Webster Groves and Affton Middle School art students.
MATCHING FUNDS PROGRAM: Whereas the majority of the charitable causes are selected by the Board of Directors, the Matching Funds Program allows all members to participate whereby the club will match any members donations within certain restrictions and guidelines.
METRO/STATE PROGRAMS: St. Louis Crisis Nursery, American Heart Association, St. Louis Society for the Blind, Camp Wonderland, United Cerebral Palsy, among others.
WEBSTER GROVES SCHOOL DISTRICT/CHILDREN: A number of local causes including Boy Scout Troop 303, Living Well Fnd., Martha Hilden Fund, Webster Groves Seniors Scholarship program, among others.
The Webster Groves Lions raises funds to donate to the above charities and organizations through a series of fund raisers. Our major fund raiser is the 4-day 4th of July Carnival and BBQ, supplemented by a monthly 2-day BBQ held on the second Friday and Saturday of each month April through October except for July & August. Additional fund raisers are held which may vary from year to year, including a Bausch & Lomb Company picnic, Wine Tasting and Beer Tasting Events, golf and poker tournaments.
From Nineteen Hundred Twenty-five
AFTER several impromptu meetings, a small group of professional and business men of Webster Groves, Missouri, through diligent and concentrated efforts, succeeded in persuading enough of their fellow men to join with them to better. serve their community, to plant the seed and give root to the formation of a service organization which was shortly thereafter to be known as the "Lions Club of Webster Groves." This group, twenty-five in all, called a meeting to order on March 5th, 1925, for the election of officers and pledged themselves for service, betterment and higher standards of living, to their city as well as fellow neighbors. And on March 12th, 1925, they were presented with a charter at an impressive banquet held at the Kirkwood Country Club, thereby uniting themselves with similar clubs throughout the nation, under what is known as Lions International.
After much floundering about, due to the fact that none of the members had had any previous experience as a member of a civic club, we slowly and conservatively shaped the organization into a going, aggressive group. 'But to gain this goal, many obstacles. trials and tribulations presented themselves, yet each, in turn, was gradually conquered and we finally succeeded in methodically planning the tasks before us. To accomplish this end, required the selection of appropriate committee members best suited for the respective problems and ordeals which the club expected to encounter and service.
The club was fortunate in electing, for its first officers, a group of able men who cooperated in the work of coordinating the various necessary departments of the club. This meant carrying the club over each hardship as well as developing many worth-while activities and creating a firm foundation for the future. Many of our early hardships were greatly lightened through our success in locating an appropriate meeting place and much of our; success can well be attributed to Mrs. George Addy, our hostess, whose excellent meal s, pleasant hospitality and cordiality were constantly enjoyed, all of which were conducive to good fellowship throughout the entire membership.
With the committees ready to function and good-will established among the members, we immediately began casting about for possibilities and worth-while things to make the club useful and productive. It was unanimously agreed that the club's activities should be to help others rather than to be used for the personal benefit of its members. To bring a ray of sunshine into the lives of the unfortunate.
In view of this, our first acts of charity were to send fifty dollars to help in caring for those made destitute by a storm in southern Missouri and Illinois and shortly afterwards fifty dollars was donated to the Webster Groves Playgrounds Association to assist in the development of this splendid project. A school boy was taken under our wings, employment found for the lad and a committee appointed to advise, guide and lead him towards the betterments of life.
Next our civic committee discovered that work among our local Orphan Homes would be a step toward our civic duties, so the club immediately organized afternoon parties for these unfortunate children, sometimes taking them for long automobile rides into the country and on other occasions to the St. Louis Zoo. Much to our surprise, we found in a number of instances that this was the first time many of them had ever been away from the home and also to learn the capacity of these children for ice cream, candy and what-nots. As a further benefit, these rides served a two-fold purpose-recreation for the children and amusement to our members. Large or small, significant or insignificant, it is things of this nature that do the heart good and make the Lions Club worth-while.
With the approach of mid-summer, eyes were turned to the selection of a delegate for the convention of Lion's International at Cedar Point, Ohio, which finally resulted in delegating our President, Herb Barthels. In this instance many helpful ideas were obtained, one of which culminated in the Lions and Rotary Clubs jointly erecting "Welcome'' signs on the main highways entering our city, inviting guests and visitors to meet with us.
After accomplishment of these few major projects, in the fall of 1925 an orchestra of six pieces was formed from members of the club, which greatly added to the spirit and enthusiasm of our meetings, as well as nobly lending their musical talent to our numerous social functions then and in years to come.
During the course of the year the club accepted an invitation to visit Eden Seminary for luncheon and an inspection tour of the school. Another memorable session was a joint meeting with the local Rotary Club in which a rumor was circulated that the Rotarians were blessed with horseshoe talent. Challenges from both clubs were promptly made and accepted. A tournament was arranged to see whether Lions or Rotarians had the best ability in this line of endeavor and when the dust had cleared away the Lions walked off with the prize, a solid "Silver" loving cup, which had been made by a local tinner out of material so well known to his art. Because of this embarrassment to our opponents, a stag party was held at Cub Fred Holekamp's farm with the Rotary Club as our guests. This was the first of many meetings that our club held at Fred's farm, which were of inestimable value in developing a fraternal feeling among the members.
Through our ever thinking members and their unceasingly, tireless efforts to gain the pinnacle of success, it was decided, as a climax of our first year, to sponsor a Christmas party for the children of our Orphan Homes. It was held at the Webster Groves Baptist Sunday School. Here approximately one hundred children were started off with a grand march headed by a real Santa Claus and the afternoon devoted to story telling, moving pictures and music by the club orchestra. To complete this occasion, the club members, assisted by their wives, fittingly arranged to see that each child was sent home with a big hag full of goodies-apples, oranges, figs, nuts, candies and toys. With the conclusion of this party our members were entirely convinced that it had been a success, and if they had done nothing else during the whole year than to give this pleasure to those youngsters, they were amply rewarded. Besides, it proved the club to be worthwhile, showing the way to unlimited fields of opportunity and thereby creating the adoption of a club policy to henceforth sponsor such a party annually.
Herbert Barthels............... President
C. A. Reichardt................. First Vice-President
Francis Mueller................ Second Vice-President
A. L. Prehn...................... Third Vice-President
Kenneth W. Howe............ Secretary
W. V. Brennan................. Treasurer
Andrew W. McDonnell...... Lion Tamer
Floyd Davis......................Tail Twister
J. B. Chipman, Jr............................. Dr. W. F. O'Malley
Dr. C. W. McGee..............................W. C. Gebelein
As a Lion, you'll:
Help your community and gain valuable skills
Learn to be a leader – and lead a respected organization
Network with business people in your community and around the world
Make an impact on people's lives – locally and internationally.
Cultivate lasting friendships
Discover more about yourself
Energize your life and have fun
Volunteering your time gives you a sense of pride and accomplishment that comes from deep within